Candida feeds on vitamins and minerals?
I have a very complex health issue. I have a fungal infection that is causing very high liver enzymes (300+). I'm also mercury/copper toxic.
I take a lot of supplements: zinc, selenium, molybdenum, magnesium, iodine, vitamin C, vitamin D, milk thistle, beta carotene and more ...!!
I wonder if I'm feeding my candida/fungal infection with those vitamins/minerals?
I want to start taking Virastop X2 + Candex + coconut oil + Candida Clear all together. I have been fighting this thing for years, and it seems that what I'm doing isn't working at all. Also I have limited resources since I live in Egypt, I pay thousands to get these supplements. I sold everything that I had, and I'm still sick.
Please any advice will be much appreciated.