Re: help anyone ever cured ?
If your sick and MD has no answers go on
parasite cleanse My ND said you need TEN
parasite test to get accuarate results who has time for that? How come MD don't know that???? I have read of many cases of asthma , Parkinson's like MS, chronic fatigue even anxiety, psychological problems And many other health issues caused by
parasite but so many poor people were misdiagnosed and suffered needlessly, when all along it is
parasites The STRONGEST parasite killer I know of is mimosa pudica 30x stronger than most stuff and it is NATURAL you got to love that! My ND recommends taking mimosa purdica for three months then. Then find a skilled practioner and get on classical pearl a line created by Dr Fruehauf you will need an ND to help you figure out which ones to take , I think there is a list on line of which one take and which order to take them they are amazing. My ND was changing the ones your taking. Like I took dragons and lightening for a couple months then they change it up because parasite are smart and adjust /adapt so the defense has to change every time My ND suggested that formula must be taken for over a year in some cases even longer than that to make sure the parasite is killed.