Re: Looking for proof: Toxic to Safe
“Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.”
Like many thing, Silver toxicity rests primarily on exposure. ie, with respect to mild toxicity(see: Argyria), the ingestion of a high ppm silver solution could likely exceed the bodies ability to excrete the metal which in turn would result in accumulation etc. Whereas Acute Silver Metal Poisoning is the result of very large doses involving several thousand(1000) mg of silver per/kg in hosts(organisms). Though I really don't think this type of data would ever enter the realm of
Colloidal Silver given the extreme concentrations involved and the limitations of the solution itself. And so this leaves us looking at the risks of Argyria from the use and ingestion of silver solutions.
Having said that, there is a group called The Silver Safety Committee formed for the purpose of providing reliable information to the public that has devised a guideline aimed at helping people determine what we'd call "safe usage levels" of most silver based solutions. - Which would involve though not limited to, Ionic silver and Particle silver solutions.
The guideline which is called the Reference Dose(RfD) was devised to establish safe limits on daily intake of silver with respect to Argyria. The EPA's RfD guideline is specifically intended to keep a person's intake of silver below the level that could possibly discolor the skin. Though more importantly, it can provide person(s) such a yourself with a reference from which to help people decide whether they want to subject themselves to such treatments and more importantly, what dosages are currently deemed safe under a given standard.
PS. The one thing I haven't found much of on this particular site is the differentiation between silver compounds. To which I'd add, I'd like to see more research and/or data on these particular areas personally.