This is ridiculous. Glen Auckerman has changed my life, as well as the life of my aunt who used to have stage 4 cancer! You have said so much based on misunderstanding and hurt feelings. He does not put down fruit in general, but specifically stone fruits and fruits out of season that contain latex! There is reason for everything he teaches! He is a remarkable doctor and an amazing man, and has been extremely misunderstood and poorly portrayed here. He has changed so many lives of those that are directly around me and so many more. I know your ego was bruised in his seminar, but again, you are not on the right track with what you are saying. Anyone reading this should read his book and do your own research. Better yet, listen to him in person at his seminars yourselves and see him in person if you can. I went to the same seminar of his 4 times, because of how much information there is to rap your brain around. It's revolutionary. It's not like anything else, yet it makes perfect sense, once you truly begin to understand it.