What do you think of the 23 points below that the doctor who works at a large university integrative medicine in nutrition curing people said at a lecture I attended tonight
sorry did not mean to put this in the aspergillo forum please disregard if not applicable as not sure how to erase it there and keep in the other forums..I was looking for an allopathic doctor as I lost my old one due to a change in my HMO that was open to alternative health.
I became a vegan 16 months ago trying to eat a whole food diet that is about 50% raw in order to reverse diabetes and my diabetes ran from he 300-600 glucose levels to one reading of 600 plus.
My last 4 aic tests fro diabetes have been normal though not my home readings.
someone at a raw vegan meetup group I joined was talking about his doctor who he argued with who was part of a large university's complimentary medicine group that has 2 massage therapists, 2 acupuncturists, a chiropractor and this doctor who did these nutrition classes and works with people to heal health problems on staff combining alternative medicine and allopathic presumably. .
In order to see him (the allopathic doctor with a nutrition bent) and what he is about one has to have a referral which a family doctor at the complimentary medicine group gave me one and attend a lecture before he will see you.
The lecture was tonight. There were hundreds of people there.
What do you think of his thinking.
He said he cured many people of things like HIV, cancer people given months to live, everyone lost weight and got healthier.
Here are some of the things he advocated or insisted people who see him do.
1 you must take a very expensive comprehensive blood work up He said we need to check with our insurance to see if they cover this test which I thought he said was either 1700 dollars or 17,00?? so he can see where each of us are nutritionally etc on this work before he can work directly with each of us as individuals.
2 He said we can eat no gluten which he said was in all grains. this was his strongest point as he tied most heath problems to this and said it shows up in the body fro 10 years even if we stop it.
3 He said we should not eat raw fruits and veggies or frozen as these had latex in them (he said this was not so before we had all these rubber tires but that somehow ??cross pollinated or modified the plants making them toxic. He advocated using things like canned peaches or veggies.
4 he said there were just 4 studies with agave nectar and three were about the plant and just one spoke of it nutritionally and found it equivalent to white sugar.
5 he said not to use bottled or reverse osmosis or distilled water as it was all mineral-less and thus leached the magnesium/calcium etc from our bodies. They do not contain enough calcium and magnesium. He advocated drinking tap water or well water in some cases. He said when our calcium,. magnesium, vitamin d and b vitamins are not normal or optimal, we are on the path to death. He said calcium, magnesium and vitamin d is what totally controls our cholesterol. He said in response to a query about chlorine in the water that it is far worst to eat fruit than drink chlorine which is nothing much to be concerned about.
6 he said never to eat things like kiwi, celery, bananas, avocado, figs, any stone fruit like peaches or cherries etc due to the latex in them that we were allergic to. He said this latex is natural and not man put in there and that we develop antibodies to it and thus it makes us sick I guess he was saying.
7 at one point he said seed foods and nuts were no-nos
8 he said never to juice or eat raw foods
9 he said we are mostly all deficient in magnesium, calcium, vitamin d and b vitamins and we could not use man made supplements but needed to use calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, he said only d3 is sold in the us not d2 (one is plant based the other animal) and said we needed to sit in the sum at least 8 hours a day on at least half our bodies..who but people like construction workers and gardeners have that luxury?
10 he said shampoos etc have an outlawed chemical in them and if they are thicker than water or toxic and has people bring in all their bottles and supplements getting rid of ones they say are bad for you
11 he wants all one's blood work to not just be in the normal range as this is he said the average unhealthy American but in the optimal top 98% like if the range is 20 to 50, he wants you to be 49 or so.
12 he said chemo causes death by robbing you of calcium and magnesium
13 He said flax seed, and soy are dangerous to one's health and never use things like soy or I assume wheat gluten meat or cheese substitutes. He said soy is especially bad for women. He said soy is genetically modifying us.
14 He said if one has red cheeks, noses and ears and faces this shows they are deficient in the magnesium, calcium etc'
singling out a women and her husband who worriedly asked a question about their 6 year old losing his hair saying they feed him unhealthy health food store foods etc and seemed quite insensitive making jokes at people's expense (he was about 78 years old btw)and said the integrative medicine center is the only place in the world doing this work and people come here in this state from Africa, brazil, and all over the world to see him and that he has been working on this for about 40 years.
15 he said he cured his 17 year fibromyalgia and that of a patient with high doses of fish oil but did not say how much only that he took some then doubled and finally tripled and it all went away in less than a week in response to a question. He said fish oil reversed schizophrenia but if you stopped it it came back. He said the calcium/magnesium got rid of depression
16 he said we cannot use many of the foods as if we came from Europe for instance things like corn and peppers will make us sick and that it takes 10,000 years for these things to be useful to the body and that every time they do a new strain of wheat for instance the 10,0000 year countdown must start over.
17 He says milk is bad
18 He said white rice is a lot healthier than brown rice (I forget why he said this was so)
19 He said hummus is bad too
20 He said the only way one can eat fresh produce is to pick and grow it ourselves..if we don't then only used canned produce
21 if you do not have three bowel movements a day then you are severely magnesium deficient
22 then he really got people by saying to eat nothing for day one but cottage cheese and canned peaches and the next day get a breakfast of 2 eggs, sausage, hash browns and this will bring you back to your pre-ancestral levels and I guess reset you.
23 he is against health food stores as this stuff does not work he says
I said what about a diet like the hallelujah diet which is a whole food, 85% raw vegan diet. I said there are thousands of testimonies of healings from everything. I stated how I changed to a high raw vegan diet and had normal diabetic tests and how my brother healed himself of ulcers and serious gerd by drinking cabbage juice for 3 weeks and it never returned in 210 years and how did he account for this..did he feel there could be different paths to health. He seemed perturbed I said this and he said he said he does not listen to testimonies as it only worked for you and we are all different (but really I first heard of vegan helping diabetics from a medical study and the books of 4 allopathic doctors who used them varying degree of vegan and raw/cooked to cure many patients).
And yet his whole speech was full of testimonies of patients his way healed so he right there contradicted what he said he believed I think.
He said people dying of cancer had there doctors and the colleague so impressed they started sending all their patients and themselves to him..he said doctors are some of the unhealthiest people around.
It seems he is against so much of the nutritional advice I have found in my intensive 30 year study.
I was wondering what can we eat if we are not using clean water, nuts, seeds, produce (except non-nutritional canned versions), milk, any grains, soy and its meats and cheese and fermented forms.
The only things that seemed left was meat, cheese and legumes and I am not sure what he thinks of those.
Also it seems even if the form of supplements are the ones he mentioned it is still man made.
Is he full of crap or would he be worth going to to see what he says after the blood work. I was thinking maybe these tests would show what is wrong and then I could look for ways to address these with alternative health/health foods.
Please address any of all of these comments. I was left wondering how many sick people will buy into this seeming crap. One lady said she had cancer. another guy seemed very well informed on health foods etc. He pointed out people who were like he and I who are very interested in health long term are among the hardest to heal as they cannot get around all their "seemingly wrong" indoctrination on what to eat.
I really want to verify if anyone think there is anything to what he says from a community I trust.
you can comment in bold print between each # point you want to comment on to make it easier just paste and copy this and then write between it is desired on any of the points he made 1-23
He seemed to imply he cured a lot of people with his ideas
I put this isn several forums to see what people there think.
re--"He said in response to a query about chlorine in the water that it is far worst to eat fruit than drink chlorine which is nothing much to be concerned about."--
that is just absolutely laughable
I don't even know what to say about that it is so ridiculous
YES considering that it was originally designed as a nerve gas, I was shocked at this statement. The man who was very informed on alternative health and healthy living in the audience who asked it was asking a number of questions and had asked him to comment on the dangers of drinking, showering etc in chlorine and the allopathic doctor who apparently fit neither the allopaths or the alternative health healers in his thinking/ideas said it was far, far safer than eating fruit and I was shocked..I think maybe a collective gasp or giggle went up when he aid this or the part about eating sausages and hash browns as everything was so opposite what most people believe or read although some of what he said I felt may have had some validity, going so far in the face of what almost everyone accepts as healthy (ie==produce) was shocking.
I started getting to where I stopped listening and commented to my brother on my notepad that he was full of S/crap when he first said it is very bad to eat any raw or frozen produce and to eat canned. That is when I put and often kept my hand up to comment on the thousands of testimonies of people healing themselves with raw or vegan foods and my own experiences with that and juicing.
He seemed perturbed that I asked this and he tried to I think put me down how he answered it and discounted all testimonies with his answers (but the ones he was taunting to add validity to his claims which I thought was hypocritical that his testimonies count to add validity to his claims but noone elses if they disagree with him and I said so very loudly to my brother when I left), but I felt it was important with hundreds of people there to say an opposing truth and see how he answered it to make it known that not everyone agreed with some of the odd advice he was giving nor was there no other way to health.
I felt so bad for the lady with cancer who seemed desperate and asked the last question right when it was over that I tried to give her this site and some other info but she went out the other door so fast and I could not catch up with her. I get the feeling he gets a lot of controversy as he preaches to much that is completely opposite what many health teachers preach and have healed themselves and others on and it irritates him to be essentially challenged though in a respectful way.
He made sure to let it be known that people like me and the well informed guy who questioned him on chlorine and other topics were the ones who did not get better on his program as I assume we were too well informed to follow like sheep. Interestingly this seems to follow what Dr Richard Schulze and the nurse who ran hoxsey clinic said..those who did not believe could not be healed and those who believed could not be stopped form healing which seems to imply what we think has a lot to do with healing too.
It feels good that some of my own perceptions of him were validated.
re "It seems to me that this fellow is only part-way along some of the things I learned a long while ago.
Much of what he says I haven't heard of, let alone accepted.
I tend to ignore arguments now, and simply ask within.
Living in the 'now' is more comfortable for me. I seem to get where I want to go, more easily, this way."
Well I did not think everything he said was wrong but much of it did not resonate. I was disappointed as it is so hard to find someone in the medical field who talks about the link between food and health and talks about nutrition and integrates the alternative or complimentary with the allopathy to see someone that seemed so on the wrong path. It made me feel more like doctors do not have a clue but he said he studied day and night and his patients have superior blood work and other doctors are shocked when their patients go there and recover.
I feel this doctor could have done a lot as he had some charisma and persuasiveness and authority when he talked but he seemed so outside the mainstream of everything that he was hard to take serious even with his miracle cures.
He said a lot of work is necessary by his staff to convince people to give up all the products and beliefs they had previously.
I did go to a site where patients rate the doctor and there were many saying he was a wonderful person and helped them a lot but also some who said he was rushed, spent no time with them, attributed everything to gluten and the supplements he mentioned a lot in his lecture and felt he was not good as well. Maybe the people he helps have really bad diets and his is an upgrade over that and that and their belief in him helps them heal.
but I knew in my heart he was not for me as I am strong in my beliefs having studied alternative health, herbs and nutrition over 30 years and seen success and his way seemed a step back but I did see some things I may try in what he said and may take the good and leave the bad.
I tend to not have good habits like you in going with my gut as I sometimes 2nd guess myself or doubt but in the long run do follow my gut but it takes a while and living in the now is something I would be well served doing as I live in the past and fear the future which is not good.
I am going to think about what you said and try to live in the now at least a little more than I do and let go some of the past stuff.
1 you must take a very expensive comprehensive blood work up He said we need to check with our insurance to see if they cover this test which I thought he said was either 1700 dollars or 17,00?? so he can see where each of us are nutritionally etc on this work before he can work directly with each of us as individuals.
Not necessary for the vast majority of us. You can get a much less expensive and pretty comprehensive test through Life Extension Foundation which should work just fine for the large majority of people.
2 He said we can eat no gluten which he said was in all grains. this was his strongest point as he tied most heath problems to this and said it shows up in the body fro 10 years even if we stop it.
Gluten is not in all grains and not all people are gluten intolerant. It is certainly worth going gluten free to see if it makes a difference, but not true to make such a blanket statement for everyone.
3 He said we should not eat raw fruits and veggies or frozen as these had latex in them (he said this was not so before we had all these rubber tires but that somehow ??cross pollinated or modified the plants making them toxic. He advocated using things like canned peaches or veggies.
Oh yes, by all means eat canned veggies and fruit with the BPA liners and much of the nutrition, including virtually all of the enzymes, processed and cooked out. On this point he is full of something other than shinola.
4 he said there were just 4 studies with agave nectar and three were about the plant and just one spoke of it nutritionally and found it equivalent to white sugar.
Agave is bad news in my opinion. Except when it is used to make top quality Tequilah (ahem).
5 he said not to use bottled or reverse osmosis or distilled water as it was all mineral-less and thus leached the magnesium/calcium etc from our bodies. They do not contain enough calcium and magnesium. He advocated drinking tap water or well water in some cases. He said when our calcium,. magnesium, vitamin d and b vitamins are not normal or optimal, we are on the path to death. He said calcium, magnesium and vitamin d is what totally controls our cholesterol. He said in response to a query about chlorine in the water that it is far worst to eat fruit than drink chlorine which is nothing much to be concerned about.
How about drinking reverse osmosis water and adding a bit of sea salt or else taking a plant derived mineral supplement? Or spring water?
On chlorine, he again wanders into the "other than shinola" territory.
6 he said never to eat things like kiwi, celery, bananas, avocado, figs, any stone fruit like peaches or cherries etc due to the latex in them that we were allergic to. He said this latex is natural and not man put in there and that we develop antibodies to it and thus it makes us sick I guess he was saying.
Other than shinola. Way beyond bullcrap in fact.
7 at one point he said seed foods and nuts were no-nos
Boy, has mankind gotten it wrong for thousands of years then. I would say that this advice is a no-no.
8 he said never to juice or eat raw foods
Do I really need to comment on such asinine advice?
9 he said we are mostly all deficient in magnesium, calcium, vitamin d and b vitamins and we could not use man made supplements but needed to use calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, he said only d3 is sold in the us not d2 (one is plant based the other animal) and said we needed to sit in the sum at least 8 hours a day on at least half our bodies..who but people like construction workers and gardeners have that luxury?
Actually, most of us have plenty of calcium intake due to all the dairy products, fortified foods and calcium buffered municipal water supplies. He is completely wrong on D2, which is widely sold in supplement form in multi-vitamins and widely used in fortified foods.
10 he said shampoos etc have an outlawed chemical in them and if they are thicker than water or toxic and has people bring in all their bottles and supplements getting rid of ones they say are bad for you
Again a blanket statement which may or may not apply. It certainly does not apply to a great many "natural" type and organic shampoos. I try to stay away from all commercial shampoos. Jason's has some good shampoos, including tea tree oil shampoo.
11 he wants all one's blood work to not just be in the normal range as this is he said the average unhealthy American but in the optimal top 98% like if the range is 20 to 50, he wants you to be 49 or so. Â
I agree that the normal range is much abused. Low normal as well as high normal for some readings can be decidedly unhealthy (depending upon whether high or low readings are considered optimal or whether being squarely in the middle is best)..
12 he said chemo causes death by robbing you of calcium and magnesium
Chemo causes death by inflicting major damage on major organs as well as the entire body and lowering the natural immune system.
13 He said flax seed, and soy are dangerous to one's health and never use things like soy or I assume wheat gluten meat or cheese substitutes. He said soy is especially bad for women. He said soy is genetically modifying us.
Agree on soy, not on flax.
14 He said if one has red cheeks, noses and ears and faces this shows they are deficient in the magnesium, calcium etc' singling out a women and her husband who worriedly asked a question about their 6 year old losing his hair saying they feed him unhealthy health food store foods etc and seemed quite insensitive making jokes at people's expense (he was about 78 years old btw)and said the integrative medicine center is the only place in the world doing this work and people come here in this state from Africa, brazil, and all over the world to see him and that he has been working on this for about 40 years.
Self promoting hype.
15 he said he cured his 17 year fibromyalgia and that of a patient with high doses of fish oil but did not say how much only that he took some then doubled and finally tripled and it all went away in less than a week in response to a question. He said fish oil reversed schizophrenia but if you stopped it it came back. He said the calcium/magnesium got rid of depression
So for 17 years he was not so smart? No way of knowing if his claims are true, but I agree that magnesium can help a lot with depression (but not that it is in any way a universal cure).
16Â he said we cannot use many of the foods as if we came from Europe for instance things like corn and peppers will make us sick and that it takes 10,000 years for these things to be useful to the body and that every time they do a new strain of wheat for instance the 10,0000 year countdown must start over.
And he knows this how? I realize he is a fairly old fellow, but I don't think he has been around long enough to know the exact countdown for man from adaptation to a new plant.
17 He says milk is bad
Not necessarily if it is raw organic milk. Raw organic goats milk is extremely healthy.
18 He said white rice is a lot healthier than brown rice (I forget why he said this was so)
More for the fertilizer bin.
19 He said hummus is bad too
Ditto on the fertilizer.
20 He said the only way one can eat fresh produce is to pick and grow it ourselves..if we don't then only used canned produce
Good advice to pick and grow your own, but if one does their homework they can find locally grown and organic options. Canned produce (other than home canned) is largely lacking in nutrition and can be dangerous, Besides the BPA liners in most cans, the processing does not eliminate all traces of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals they plants may have been exposed to. I would have commercial canned produce as the very last option of all the forms of produce.
21 if you do not have three bowel movements a day then you are severely magnesium deficient
Umm, I think he has some oral bowel movements. One or two bowel movements a day is fine.
22 then he really got people by saying to eat nothing for day one but cottage cheese and canned peaches and the next day get a breakfast of 2 eggs, sausage, hash browns and this will bring you back to your pre-ancestral levels and I guess reset you.
How many pre-ancestors had hash browns and processed meat sausages for breakfast? Canned peaches and cottage cheese? Have you ever looked at a label on cottage cheese? Unless it is small curd or some medium curd cottage cheeses, Chances are that it contains a list of ingredients such as: cultured cream, grade A whey, modified food starch, sodium phosphate, sodium citrate, guar gum, carageenan, calcium sulfate, potassium sorbate (preservative) and locust bean gum. Besides the fact that the dairy may have come from cows given growth hormones and antibiotics, "modified food starch" is often used to hide the fact that the product contains dangerous MSG.
23 he is against health food stores as this stuff does not work he says
Certainly health food stores contain items of questionable value, but really now - where do you think is healthier to shop Whole Foods or Walmart?