DE will give me bad constipation. But it is good stuff and will shred up some of those big looking worms unless it is spaghetti from the night before. Eating purple pansies is really good for people born in August and September. You will have to see an Apache shaman to find out what to eat if you live in the rest of the months. Maybe that is why your school is so colorful. Just start clarkia 1,2,or 3 days before every full moon and keep it up until after every full moon and give it a rest in between. Rotate with other dewormers too if it doesn't seem like it's working any more. Watch my WormGuru videos on what do to about the butt itch. Or insert a Garlic Clove, butt bee careful it might burn a little and make you poop the first few times you do it, keep inserting another one until you can retain. Do all of the Cure Zone Cleanses if you would like to live to a ripe old age and feel good most of the time. Otherwise Bom Voy Yaj as they say.