Took albenza two weeks ago for pinworm and now all of a sudden I think I'm seeing parasites I didn't even know I had??
Please help me understand what is going on with me! Ok so about a month ago I found out I had pinworms I rushed to the doctor and they didn't even test (I had them once when I was 7 so I knew what they were I am now 25) they have me albenzole and symptoms improved after a few days then I noticed I was feeling wiggling again so I took the second dose four days early well needless to say after about three days I felt movement again so they gave me another dose and my two week mark to take the next does is in three days. I feel like the pinworms are gone but I do have hemmeroids now so I do feel an itch every once in a while. Here is my new issue...I have started to see white spots about half the size of a pinky nail in my stool over the past two days I've seen maybe three. Today I went to the bathroom and there was a yellowish spot in my stool with what looked like a skinny piece of worm sticking out about the thickness of spaghetti and about 1/4 inch long it was also yellow. However it was not moving, could this be a tapeworm? If so does it mean it's dying off but why would it just now be dying two weeks later? I should also mention with my first round of meds I was taking diatomaceous earth but stopped because I read it could flush the meds out so my plan is to take my last round of albenzole this Thursday wait a week and continue with DE. I'm freaking out....I am a very clean person so I'm not sure where all this is coming from why would a Tapeworm show up two weeks after the meds when I have never had any symptoms? I've also had a terrible headache and sinus pressure the past two days. This is becoming an obsession for me I just want them out and to know my husband (I have him taking DE to be safe so far he says he has no symptoms or hasn't seen any worms) and my 5 month old to be safe! Please tell me this is just the medicine working? Or maybe that it wasn't a worm? I eat pretty clean for the most part with a few carbs to maintain my milk supply for my baby and I only have Sugar in the morning that is in almond milk and 1tsp of coffee syrup! Sorry for the long post I'm just freaking out!
Update: I just went to the bathroom and I am literally seeing all the colors of the rainbow in my stool. It is mostly formed and brown but with red, orange, dark green, and what looks like something tangled in the stool but is brown so maybe it's just something I ate but close to that on the same piece of stool looked like it was covered in maybe a mucous because it was almost gray in color. Nothing is moving and I haven't felt anything such as wiggling or anything. I'm hoping you can tell me this is just a massive die off or just my food as I eat mainly fruits and veggies. I've eaten a lot of asparagus and tomatoes lately and I eat spinach with almost every meal. If these are parasites I can't understand just now seeing them two weeks after my dose of albenzole. Yesterday I also had a horrible headache and sinus pressure in my nose and behind my left eye. Not sure if it is related or not!
I take my last dose of albenza tomorrow and after 4 or 5 days I am going to start diatomaceous earth probably indefinitely. Thanks for any help/advice!