Re: zappers/frequency generators can make some parasitic worms go to the head area.
If you read the old posts by parazapper or by others zapper makers/sellers, you will see many claims based on nothing but hype.
And when you ask for an objective proof that their electric signal manages to kill parasites, they all say that if they provide a proof they will be persecuted and go in jail. This is an excuse.
The other annoying question they don't like is "how have you found that a frequency was better to kill a
parasite ?", the answer is that "it is a rife frequency", which does not mean anything because royal rife is dead a long time ago and nobody knows precisely which frequencies he has used, for what, in which way, with which device.
The other answer often used by parazapper is that some frequencies "produce better results", which again does not mean anything, results to do what ? Where are the objective proofs ?
What i see is that by staying vague enough (for example using the word "parasites" to mean bacterias/protozoas), the zappers makers/sellers suggest that their devices manage to kill parasitic worms, and this help them to convert more desperated infected people into buyers, and consequently payers, and consequently more money for the zappers sellers! Parazapper loves that, but after all these years, after all these sales, he has not at least one objective proof that his device manage to kill parasitic worms. (without the use of others treatments at the same time, of course)
I would be happy to be wrong, please show me some experiments with "better results" and objective proofs (dead parasitic worms parts in the feces, in the urine, in the phlegm is enough for me if only a zapper has been used, no others treatments at the same time)