Re: zappers/frequency generators can make some parasitic worms go to the head area.
TBH. I truly don't understand why someone doesn't just take some parasites, place them in an electrolytic collagen gel and do some testing?
I mean how hard is it to setup and run even the most rudimentary form of testing so as to the ball rolling on such matters?
The same can be said for numerous other micropulse or current treatments also. To which I'd add, Bob Beck certainly did his homework and numerous others after by showing the effects of the well known blood purifier circuit at work on blood.
Fact is, I totally sympathize with your frustrations and caution due to what looks like a complete lack of testing in this particular area of alternative treatments.
I mean, worst case... place some
parasites in a jar filled with electrolytic water and see if you can zap them. - seriously. - Surely someone out there has the courage to do this. Heck! I'd do it myself if someone were willing to donate one of their zappers(on loan) to carry out the experiments. And to make things easier, I'll even pay the shipping both ways. - Not sure where I'd get the
parasites though :/