Can parasites cause carb intolerance?
I am at my wits end. About 10 years ago, I had the usual stool tests which were negative, however I came back positive for Roundworm through a saliva test. I also have past positive tests for candida. A few months ago at my dental checkup, the dentist found candida in my mouth, through a culture. Every time I have my eosinophils tested they are off the charts. Had my stool tested through Genova Labs recently and not only was every single
parasite result negative, but so was H. Pylori, S.I.B.O. and candida. I don't understand this, as I have been fighting candida for years.
The last few years my digestion has gone to complete hell. I take digestive enzymes and HCL wirh every meal, but they don't help. Probiotics don't help. The last year my upper stomach is constantly bloated and filled with painful gas. I look and feel like I am 9 months pregnant. My reflux has gotten worse, as are my muscle and joint pain, leg cramps (despite taking a ton of magnesium), anxiety, heart palps, occasional tingling sensations in head, bursitis, 24/7 exhaustion and the list goes on. I have to burp constantly but it doesn't relieve the pain. I have tried countless
parasite supps over the years but nothing has helped. I now cannot eat any kind of carb except green veggies and some nuts. Before getting sick nearly two decades ago, I never had a problem with carbs, gluten, sugar, dairy, etc. Eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar, etc., has not helped at all. I keep coming back to parasites. I am going to redo the saliva test to see if I can get a positive result again for the Roundworm. Any other suggestions? Thanks.