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Re: The Antibiotics Story
journeytohealth Views: 1,363
Published: 11 y
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Re: The Antibiotics Story

I've used the Iodine twice since i got it on my affected areas (scalp, side of nose and eyebrow) it's actually irritated it a bit... does that mean i should stop using it?

Haven't taken it internally yet though.

Also i have noticed for the past week i've had pain in my flank area! I'm not sure if this is related to the parasite cleanse i was doing?

I use to suffer with uti's regularly (every few months) and of course was put on Antibiotics . I have been put on Antibiotics for a number of things; uti's as mentioned, shingles, cold sores, persistent migraines, earaches!! So i'm sure this is what's caused candida and that the candida has caused leaky gut which has led to seb derm! And possibly intestinal parasite or pathogens.

I'm going to order some pau d arco, marshmellow root, slippery elm bark powder, kombucha tea and some good quality probiotics and follow a slippery elm bark protocol that i found on here for curing leaky gut. Will it be ok to still drink the Iodine during this? If this doesn't work then i'm going to try nystatin. I really want this gone soon!! It's summer here in the UK and most 18years old are out, but i'm confined to my room because i don't want to be seen like this! If it's not gone by September then i'm going to have to postpone uni till next year too!


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