Thanks for posting this Grizz, excellent article and something the general public is totally in the dark about. If I was one prone to Conspiracy theories I could see how maybe the medical community knows the dangers of overuse of Antibiotics but prescribes them anyway so as to generate more business when all these secondary diseases and syndromes crop up in response.
Near the end of the article he mentions an interview he did with Dr. Campbell-McBride who came up with the GAPS diet. I found this interview online and would like to give the link:
Excellent interview and article on that page. She mentions eating fermented veggies to get probiotics in the gut replacing the bad microbes. I have done some research on "Cabbage Rejuvac" and made some myself. It is easy to make, cheap, and I find highly effective in restoring gut health. I plan on posting info on it as well as the recipe soon.