Re: Refreshed,about Having Fits etc.
I like the way Mahesh Chavada put it in his book:
"Whenever we begin to focus on spiritual gifts for their own sake, whether tongues or anything else, we are headed for trouble. As Christians we are always in danger of slipping into one or the other of two extremes, both equally dangerous. Placing too little emphasis on the gifts and presence of the Holy Spirit robs us of power, while placing too much robs us of vision and direction because it takes our eyes off Jesus.
The Bible tells us to earnestly desire the best gifts. The best gifts would be what we need to better do the will of God. The best gift for me may not be the best gift for someone else because God has called us all to do different things. We are not all mouths, some of us are hands and some are feet etc. in His body. Our focus should always be on Jesus and His will. We should seek that which would better help us to do His will for our lives.
I really liked your post and certainly agree with it. You brought out some good points. Yes, I believe with you that a lot of this crazy stuff going on is just people in the flesh trying to act spiritual, although devils are real as well.
Did you see Thorn's post down below? Here's the link:
That thread is so far down now and so long that I just wanted to include a link closer to the top. He brought out some good points. Some of that stuff was pretty crazy. While Heidi's messages bless me I sure got the creeps watching the stuff that John Crowder was preaching in Thorn's post. I like the 5 core Biblical principals that he posted to help us test the spirits as well.
I didn't know that Heidi had a physical condition. Yes, that may be why she has the strangeness. I really think she is sincere. Why would a rich girl raised on Laguna Beach give it all up to go live in poverty except out of love for God because He called her to do so? She sure isn't in the ministry to live a life of luxury as it appears some are in it for.
I like what you said here, "Rainy, do you think you are not receiving an answer about all of these because it just really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things? I think we are in need of teachers and preachers, so we just need to be aware of who we are learning from specifically, are they fully saturated in Christ? For me personally, it doesn't seem that important if I'm watching a video other than do I connect with the message and the words they are saying? But when you are actually searching for a teacher, someone who can guide you on your path, that is a matter that requires serious prayer."
This is good food for thought. Maybe that's my answer. I don't know. It makes sense. Thanks for the post.