Re: Refreshed,about Having Fits etc.
I like your thinking on this Rainy. That is what I want, too, as much of God as possible. I am not interested in gifts and special things and extra things. I am only interested in receiving Jesus completely into my life, but I think that once you accomplish this, some extra things may also come into your life also. I don't think there is anything wrong with seeking gifts of the Spirit as described in the Bible. I mean it's a great intention to want to heal the sick of feed the hungry so maybe in searching for the gift of healing that could help you surrender to God more completely. But I do think it is always better to only seek to receive Christ fully without searching for gifts, as it says "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." The search for salvation will always come through the grace of Christ but each individual journey is going to vary greatly. I do think there are times when people can go into states where they actually are unconscious of physical reality and only conscious to Christ, but I also think some people strive to give themselves fits and this is not from God at all, but I also don't think it necessarily means they are possessed or serving Satan. I think people that purposely have fits and whatnot are just deluded but probably in no worse a position than any other deluded Christian, of course there are infinite ways that we can be deluded and fooled and although if you want to really put a fine point on it, all these delusions are from Satan in one way or another, but again I don't think it's like they are worshiping Satan or using Satanic powers, although I'm sure that could possibly happen as well, I don't really have personal experience with it.
As far as ticks go, I really don't think it has to do with anything, except probably being part of a person's personality. After you posted that first talk from Heidi, I watched another of her talks, in which she said that she had either MS or something of that nature so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Rainy, do you think you are not receiving an answer about all of these because it just really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things? I think we are in need of teachers and preachers, so we just need to be aware of who we are learning from specifically, are they fully saturated in Christ? For me personally, it doesn't seem that important if I'm watching a video other than do I connect with the message and the words they are saying? But when you are actually searching for a teacher, someone who can guide you on your path, that is a matter that requires serious prayer.