Refreshed, I have been thinking more about this post of yours:
I am moving this discussion up to the top because it is way too far down to find easily.
These are your comments that I would like to discuss:
"Also we can not overlook the very obvious tics that we have many times seen in those that are under the influence. you ever notice these tics in you or other Assemblies of God type churches that you know well? None that I'm friends with have these tics. They don't flop on the ground looking like they are having a fit. Yet, we see them in the more "experience seeking" churches...or so it seems.
I know you have seen many more videos of this happening that just what we have seen here lately. I'm very concerned about this, because the bible does not say this happens to a non-demon possessed person. Now, I would understand this happening to someone who is being set free of demons. Yes...I expect them to fall backwards and have fits and tics as the spirits show signs of being there...but I don't expect it in our ministers while they are glorifying God. Do you understand my thoughts?"
I have been seeking the Lord for answers on strange manifestations myself. I had not heard of them until recent years. Even though I was raised Assemblies of God, as I said before, the churches can be very different. My church of youth was probably what you would consider more traditional. The pastor and his wife were very sincere Christians and would have never allowed any fakery in the place so I never saw that. The only manifestations of the Spirit were very Biblical. Having said that, there may have been all kinds of strange manifestation in other Assemblies of God churches at the time. I just was not exposed to it.
For some time I thought these strange manifestations could be demonic because of all the Internet information and videos I saw on the subject. Upon closer examination of some of these people it did not appear that they were worshipping another Jesus. I thought perhaps some of the information I was looking at was not truthful and I know some of it is not. People have a way of exaggerating things to make their point of view. I am asking the Lord if strange manifestations are really a way to be used to test the spirits.
Take Kat Kerr, for example. When you and Ed posted videos of her, if I remember right, you both got Rs. I was kind of surprised. At that point I didn't know what to think of her and still don't, but the posts told me that you, Ed and the Mod all think she is of the Lord. In fact, the mod moved the post from the debate forum to the support forum which showed me that the Mod did not think Kat was debatable. I then started listening to a lot of her videos on youtube and asking the Lord to show me the truth of her. I found her very interesting and encouraging, but I don't want to listen to someone who is only tickling my ears. I have heard her say that on one of her trips to heaven her body was shaking for hours so severe that afterwards it took her some time to recover. Now this is a strange manifestation and yet you believe she is of the Lord. I also found that she believes the gem stones from heaven are real. I don't remember what else she said she believes about strange manifestations. It's been a while since I listened.
I listened to a video on Heidi Baker yesterday that was trying to show her as false. I didn't see anything strange from her, but a lady standing not too far from her was shaking violently. I can't see anything that I have listened to in Heidi's message that would prove her to be false. Can we say someone is false because they have strange mannerisms? I think Heidi does have an uncontrollable tic or something that I thought I observed while watching some of her stuff. Does this make her false even though she is preaching truth? Do we go by what they say or mannerisms, tics etc. If Vektek would have said that she calls Heidi false because of strange manifestations, I would have understood that more than what she said, which was she calls her false because of her words. Vektek did not like her message because she felt she was not preaching the gospel. I liked her message because she was telling what God did in today's world and she was giving God the glory for it, not herself. This encouraged many and made many hungry for God. It was a message that encouraged people to die to self. I saw nothing wrong with the message. I don't know what Vektek considers preaching the gospel to be. Maybe she feels a salvation message should be preached every time. It's really up to the Holy Spirit to lead the speaker and up to the speaker to follow His lead.
What about feathers, gold dust, gold teeth etc.?
Like, you said this stuff is important and we need to know the truth of it.
I have been seeking the Lord on this, but I am not getting any answers so far.
It's strange that sometimes I can seek Him for something and it seems like He is right there. Other times He is silent.
What are your thoughts? I know you like Kat Kerr. Also, can you pray that the Lord will reveal the truth of this stuff to us soon.
I would also like to ask you what do you mean by an experience seeking church? Any relationship with God is an experience. Don't we all want an experience with God. Or, do you mean a certain kind of experience, like tics and fits? Do you see me as seeking those things? What do you mean when you said you see me as reaching for more Pentecostal? Define what you mean as you are using the word "Pentecostal" in regards to me.
You said you don't consider yourself Pentecostal, but you are just as Pentecostal as I am. I guess you may not like the term. That's the way I feel about being called a Charismatic. I hate the term and hate being called that. I don't think the term is in the Bible, but the term "Pentecost" is, so I am comfortable with that. I associate the term "Charismatic" with the crazy stuff so maybe that's my hang up. Maybe you associate the term "Pentecostal" with the crazy stuff so you don't like to be labeled that. In the end, all we are talking about is that we believe that the gifts of the Spirit are for today. It does not mean that we believe in all the garbage going on around it.