I've been dealing with low stomach acid for over a year now, and I'm only 21 :/. I'm so deficient I needed 6 capsules of 650mg of betaine HCL with my meals. I would just like to know from others, what have y'all done to restore optimal acid production? I don't want to have to take betaine hcl for the rest of my life. I haven't been able to take any since April because it started to burn my stomach. They say taking betaine in most cases will stimulate your body's own but in my case it didn't work. I'm currently on a protocol of Liver Flushing every two weeks, taking a few antifungals to get rid of excessive candida I may have, and taking colosan (although I dont feel its working like it should, maybe because of my low hcl?) I'm tired of being underweight, Losing my hair, having no energy and bad acne.