Several human organs need
Iodine but can not absorb it until blood
Iodine levels reach high values (stomach, salivary glands). Most persons exhibit impaired production of stomach acid as they age. This impaired capability to produce adequate stomach acid may be a result of
Iodine deficiency as iodine promotes stomach acidity.
The thyroid gland, breast tissue, and portions of the digestive tract share similarities in that all of them contain a rich concentration of iodine.42,70 Stomach lining cells in particular concentrate iodine, capitalizing on its antioxidant effects.71
This has led medical researchers to investigate whether iodine deficiency plays a role in cancers of the digestive tract.
They found that people living in iodine-deficient areas of the world are not only prone to iodine-deficiency goiters, but also have higher rates of stomach cancers.71 Stomach cancer patients in a landlocked area of Iran were 2.5 times as likely to have severe iodine deficiency than control patients.72 Gastric cancer is the most common cancer in parts of northeastern Turkey where iodine deficiency is common, and iodine levels in gastric cancer tissue were markedly lower than those in surrounding healthy tissue.73
Increased iodine intake has been strongly correlated with a reduction in stomach cancer rates in recent years.74
Supplementing with Iodine restores our bodies natural ability to create the correct amount of stomach acid it needs.
It is only natural that in the process, one senses the presence of more stomach acid; those levels WILL fluctuate until the body becomes suffiecient in iodine (as without enough iodine to work with) the body has to 'pick and choose'...not every engine part can work or be normalized until the car has enough gas, eh? More here:
More on iodine here:
You are very likely to be severely iodine deficient. Most (> 70%) Americans are,
There is much more-google iodine stomach.