Is it okay to be taking these all at once?
Hi guys,
Just wondering if it is okay to be taking all these at the same time (during the same day). Im worried some of these may not react well with each other and they are mainly just temporary as cleanses.
+ 1 cup water with - (
parasite formula[cloves,walnut,wormwood], 1 tsp MSM, COQ10, Diacomateous Earth Food Grade (havnt started taking last two yet, will be in this week. Trying to get rid of
Tapeworms with them)Take it 2-3 times a day before meals.
Then directly afterwards:
+ another cup water - 6-8 drops iodine, 1 dropper full of
kidney cleanse (Andreas Moritz formula). Taken 2-3 times a day. (Im over
Iodine detox, taking higher doses now for candida)
+ Been doing warm
water enemas to cleanse colon and help my bloating and candida. Saw lots of muqoid plaque come out. Going to be doing a
coffee enema in a day or two to help flush liver/parasites/toxins/colon.
I got candida (oral thrush) after I started taking
parasite cleanse and got bloating so I think its just clogged up intestines/liver. Ive also been trying some fasting, psyllium hulls etc. I woke up this morning (been fasting and drinking the herbs) and my heart beat was quite fast and I had to sit down and do some heavy breathing for a couple minutes so Im a little worried.
Any suggestions appreciated. Im hoping to do the dr clark
Liver Flush in 2 days (2+ weeks after
parasite protocol, Im going overseas very soon and want to get it over with before I go, is it okay to do this 2 days after a coffee enema?)
Thank you