Re: b3nault - heads up
dont forget boron. it is anti-fungal. so plenty of
Iodine and blenty of boron and its hard to maintain a candida bloom.
i still like CS for the coup de grace. and all the flora/fauna work.
as for iodine, few know as much about its application as i do and i take 1200mg a day of KI. and i STILL build up bromine in my tissue. my sweat today was stinging my eyes somewhat. when i first started
Iodine in earnest my sweat was like battery acid in my eyes. i literally had to stop and flush them out with water, it was so bad.
i can be used as an example but man, i hate to set dosages because a) there is almost no such thing as too much and b) everyone is different.
you know what your problem is, grizz? you got that trapper sample pack and youre taking real
Iodine in real amounts. i bet it breaks your heart. lolol