Re: What if you don't do colonics?
Yup, that's the gut alright! And as I cruise Costco, I am shocked at how common a sight it is, and how clueless everyone seems. I was there!!! I just thought "I was fat"! Ha!
I recommend you hop on over to the
Bowel Cleanse Forum and read up/ask lotsa questions (herbal cleanses, P&B shakes etc.) and see what you can glean from those guys. Also, look at the enema/colonic forum for the heck of it. I KNOW without colonics, even with great diet and long MCs, I could not have accomplished what I have!
It is not a quickie cleanup. I am well over two years into this and still have work to do, but the changes have been incredible! My abdomen is a whole different landscape these days! I can actually FEEL my colon!
That inner inner tube has GOT to go!
Anything I can do to help.