Oohh. When I wake up I do actually yeah. I think I'm gonna take one sachet before bed, I remember reading that it's when we sleep we heal the most; hence a lot of people wake up a lot less red/scaly etc. and it builds up.
I got steroid creams but don't use them as much. If VSL#3 doesn't work then I'll have to go back on them and do Liver Flushes. They helped but I had to stop for exams and all that. Needed the weekend to revise.
I too actually have Capasal I think. The brown bottle? Smells really strong. I sometimes use it but usually use the Dove shampoo.
I asked my Doc if it'll cause cancer ages ago; he said only at high quantities and for long, long periods of time. It's really rare though. I think a few kids back a few decades ago got it hence why there's warnings, if I remember correctly. Not sure if anything has happened since then in terms of getting Cancer.