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Re: Terrible Levaquin Reaction... Please Help
EvasiveTao Views: 9,573
Published: 11 y
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Re: Terrible Levaquin Reaction... Please Help

Hey I'm working on recovering from Cipro poisoning too. Yes quinolones are fluoride derived! I.e.poison! I am having some success. Well I seem to have solved the brain fog issue first, joint pain and muscle twitching are the remaining ailments. Research fluoride detox as it will help guide you.

These 5 supplements changed my life along with an all organic candida friendly diet:

Cal/Mag/Zinc double recommended
Selenium double recommended
Vitamin C 10-15 GRAMS a day
IODINE 50mg/day (I found the Nascent Iodine from infowars life store to be my preffered Iodine of choice some like the Lugols but I've read it tastes terrible and some have reacted negatively to it, this is glycerin based and I love the taste, I look forward to taking my Iodine everyday! No joke)
BORAX 1/4 tsp/day in 32oz water (for the boron content, which binds to fluoride)

InfraRed saunas help a ton too.

Many other supps can be taken to improve the effectiveness of these main ones. I'm in the process of writing an extremely detailed recovery log. I will share more upon total success (do not want to mislead if possible) but my brain fog is gone! I can think again, remembering again, sense of time is back all upon starting the iodine protocol. FLUORIDE competes for position with IODINE in the body especially the thyroid! Which explains my throat swelling after taking 3 days of Cipro (documented by local ER). Upon taking large doses of iodine to displace the fluoride I noticed immediatley almost a reverse reaction taking place in my thyroid. Tingling and slight discomfort but it felt good and is never constant seems to fade within 5 minutes. I suspect the iodine is attempting to regain its position in the body. Every cell/organ stores iodine, so if you deplete it with its natural predator (fluoride) you will have all the symptoms described in this thread.

WHEW! Sorry for the long explaination. Always remember to keep your spirit high. A positive outlook goes a long way. Hope this helps someone! As I was just like most, depressed, suicidal, felt like I was dying etc. The body is an amazing thing and can heal itself given the right tools.


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