Thank you Laurie!
It is so hard to imagine your life ever being the same again after being so badly attacked!. I myself want to just die everyday!. My mind has been so badly altered that i am constantly anxious or depressed fighting with my mind so badly. I cant even be around my kids.. I have about 4 good days than bam, I get hit with an episode where nothing helps.. tremors, panic, extreme weakness where i cannot walk, heart palpitations, muscle pains everywhere. My vision is so bad but i cant explain how i see. its like i have waves of liquid in my eyes and they are very sensitive to light. I have been to the ER 6 times since this happened to me @ 8 wks ago. I have had diarrhea for 2 months straight, lost 30 pounds and have extremely dry mouth and eyes. I just cry all the time. It makes me hopeful that it will get better but i am always reading the stories of people 5 years out that have had no relief.. I just want the extreme panic and anxiety/depression/brain fog to go away!!. I am no good for my kids being this way. feel like i should be institutionalized. My husband has been great but he has to go to work which he travels a-lot and i am afraid to be alone. Just breaks my heart.
your story has given me some hope.. Thank you very much and i will keep you posted..
Thanks again!.