I started iodine protocol and took iodine for 6 weeks, anywhere from 2.5mg to 100mg per day. I then stopped for a month prior to my endo visit so I could get an accurate result. Below are my latest results:
FT3 3.6 (2.4-3.9)
FT4 0.77 (0.61-1.12)
B12 >1500 (180-914)
TSH 2.23 (0.34-5.60)
D3 74 (30-74)
TPO Ab 0.9 (<9.0)
I've read that people taking iodine have had elevated TSH levels for 6 months, but mine actually dropped to my lowest level in 7 years. Below is a partial list of my prior results.
TSH 3.897
FT4 0.8
T4 7.70
Of course my endo says all my numbers are normal and doesn't order RT3 unless the patient is hospitalized. I have all of the classic hypo symptoms and know that I don't feel right.