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Re: Is untreated mold in the house/MCS a reason to hold off on starting DMSA?
OpenBurningWill Views: 3,106
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Re: Is untreated mold in the house/MCS a reason to hold off on starting DMSA?

Many thanks for the information. Your replies are very appreciated.

Antioxidants have been looking very helpful, but I haven't been able to take many - currently only NAC and vitamin C.

I haven't been able to find a vitamin E that doesn't make me feel nauseous. I suspect soy lecithin, or other things like glycerin or caramel coating in the capsule, might be causing problems for me. It's probably largely either the soy lecithin or coating, as I seem to tolerate EFA capsules like borage oil or CLA, which don't have soy lecithin but do have glycerin. This unfortunately means that so far, I cannot find a way to take lycopene or beta carotene either. I cannot find any without soy, and the ones that I tried smelled odd and made me feel quite bad.

Do you have any recommendations? I would very much like to take more antioxidants.


It's interesting that skipped dose reactions are so consistently nasty. I would like to understand the Science behind all the mechanisms of chelation and mercurialism much better. :)

It's indeed a very good reminder that kicking up Hg is powerful.

I decided to keep going after having skipped the dose.

I called my mathematician partner, and we puzzled chelation out theoretically, based on the knowledge we had. We calculated the theoretical concentrations of DMSA in the body if the dose were taken on the half-life point and concluded that - if the chelator is taken at the half-life, the concentrations will eventually build up to a pattern of dropping to 1x dose just prior to taking the dose, then 2x dose afterwards, then dropping to 1x dose at the half-life, etc.

In actuality, of course - with a faster metabolism of the DMSA, or other factors affecting how quickly its concentration decreases - the dose will probably not be exactly on the half life, but consistent dosing would keep the fluctuations of concentration in the body consistent, which would agree with why consistency of dose spacing is emphasized by many people as important to avoid side effects. (i.e. not just dosing at any amount of time below the half-life)

So, if this was correct, taking a double dose that morning was a very lucky mistake, as it would more or less be equivalent to starting at 2x (with a 1/4 left over from what was in my body two doses ago), rather than waiting for the concentrations to build up to 2x.

We actually wondered - if this analysis is correct - why not begin chelation with a double dose, rather than waiting for the body concentration to build up to the 2-1-2-1 it will go towards?

In otherwords, if this is correct, the concentration of chelator in the body will actually be building up gradually during the beginning of a round.

But, perhaps there is some benefit to this which we didn't understand. (For example, some benefit in allowing the body to become accustomed to building concentrations of chelator, rather than introducing a double dose right off the bat.)

We weren't sure how accurate this assessment was.

Any thoughts?


In general, my MCS sensitivities and EMF sensitivities seem to be improving. I noticed feel quite a bit better after I decided to continue chelation. After a couple more doses, I felt significantly more functional and well, though still worse overall than I had before the skipped dose.

My mind also seems to be much clearer after starting chelation and lots of supplementation of things like pregnenolone, EFA, and 2.5-5mg per day of cortisol.

And - to my great surprise - a couple days ago, I was able to read and process pages of text in AI in their entirety without getting a headache and swimming, blurry vision. I've been able to focus and process information much better since. (The MCS appeared along with an inability to focus on text I was reading - very frustrating trying to research my health with this problem. :) )

I still seem to be fairly EMF sensitive (computers, wi-fi-, and microwaves give me shaky anxiety, blurry vision, depression, and brain fog -- which is why I may pop into curezone briefly then disappear for some days), but noticeably less so.

I believe the first round of chelation was _very_ helpful for my overall health, though waking up every 2.5 hours was a bit exhausting.


I had a very strange experience when I decided to end the round on day 5.

I became very nauseous, had a terrible stomachache and strong acid reflux (rare to nonexistent for me) and vomited in the middle of the night. I've only vomited 3-4 times in my lifetime, so it's perhaps quite unusual for me. I became shaky and dizzy to the point of feeling that I would fall down a flight of stairs, and my arms felt weak - unable to support my body by holding onto the railing. I felt as if the areas of my body with body fat were pulsating - shrinking and expanding - and I was nearly inconsolably anxious. I felt like I might begin hallucinating, and my head was pounding. It was very, very strange. I was very lucky someone was in the house with me.

I believe my forskolin supplement (from "BSkinny Global") may have caused it and am trying to find other experiences with forskolin to help explain it. The capsules smell quite strong, even now, and the smell makes me nauseous.

I didn't realize it also "burned fat" (I have no idea what this means biochemically) when I got it and was taking it for the cAMP effects. (I am also quite wiry, and apart from body fat seeming to reaccumulate in my stomach or - to a lesser extent - face and thighs, there does not seem to be much fat to spare on my body.)

I'm wondering - if ubiquitous fat-soluble toxins are stored in body fat, would a "fat burning" supplement, which causes that fat to be used for energy or what-have-you, make someone like me (with potential high toxin load) quite sick from toxins being released?

Forskolin looked like a useful supplement, but in hindsight, perhaps all my supplement choices should be subjected to considerably more rigor as possible.

And, I'm now trying to puzzle out my diet and supplements in general.

I've been observing results of individual supplements more carefully. Some noticeable percentage give me headaches or brain fog sometimes, and I'm unsure what this indicates. Most have only stearate or some sort of cellulose. Some (like glutamine) are pure powders. I'm considering making my own supplement capsules with bulk powders.

Signficant amounts of animal fat also make me nauseous or head-foggy, and I have significant insulin resistance (very high insulin and glucose according to a blood test done before breakfast) - perhaps something to do with the pancreas and bile?

I currently eat a fairly restrictive "ancestral" diet of some summer squash and taro (as tolerated, despite my blood Sugar regulation apparently causing wooziness with too much glucose), wild game meats and grass-fed meats, and a couple freshly opened coconuts (which I seem to tolerate best).

I cannot have fruit. Even a single blueberry gives me significant pain in my back and abdomen and tastes far too sweet.

So, with a diet low in thiols and carbohydrates by necessity, there does not seem to be much to eat. :)

Food feels heavy in me, and I have non-acidic reflux (both completely nonexistent for me prior to a c. jejuni infection in August 2013, before the Hg exposure) and belching.

I have yet to understand how my digestion and metabolism works, but things causing dysfunction are obviously afoot.


I would like to try DMPS, but I am somewhat worried.

Though the information I've read about DMPS _seems_ to point to "backfires" being caused by improperly-far-apart-spaced doses, I still worry about the general claim that it has a higher chance of side effects - or of a (rather alarming sounding) "backfire" if I were to accidentally miss or skip a dose.

Sleeping more (at least until I begin the ALA phase) would be very nice.

But, it would certainly be more harmful to cause greater problems for myself in my attempt to use a more effective substance.

I don't feel like I've gotten to the heart of things with my research on DMPS and haven't come to a clear conclusion about it.

Any thoughts?


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