Re: Scalp Follicultis Help
Hi Nick,
You are most welcome.
I come on to Cure Zone strictly for the purpose of sharing what I believe to be the health "Primal Panacea" [to use Dr. Levy's term]. I have personally ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid every day for the past 20 years. The results health-wise for me are: no sickness [including even a headache]; no need for doctors [the very occasional dentist excepted]; and no need for any drugs whatsoever, including any-and-all painkillers, be they prescription or over-the-counter [the very occasional "novocaine" injection excepted]. As an aside, I am 64 years old.
My view, Nick, would be that Dr. John Tilden, M.D. had it right when he wrote, "Normal persons are deadly to all germs and parasites peculiar to the human habitat." So if you improve your overall health, all health maladies will resolve themselves, i.e. be eliminated via one's immune system.
If you are looking for a "drug-like" effect, from ascorbic acid ingestion, Nick, you will probably be disappointed. But then my view would be that all a drug ever does is [at best] move the problem to a different place in one's body [typically gradually compounding the problem(s)].
Yes, that is basically correct. This article by Dr. Cathcart [who is the discoverer of the Bowel Tolerance method of dosage determination] is the "bible" on this subject/method: As an aside, Nick, other than inconvenience, from my view, the benign diarrhea is healthy for a person, as it cleans up/out their GI tract, per this old saying in health circles, "Death begins in the colon."
As more "grist for your mill," Nick, these three quotes are instructive:
"There are more than ten thousand scientific papers that make it quite clear that there is not one body process (such as what goes on inside cells or tissues) and not one disease or syndrome (from the common cold to leprosy) that is not influenced - directly or indirectly - by vitamin C." -- Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., Dr. Marshall Ringsdorf, D.M.D., and Dr. Emily Sisley, THE VITAMIN C CONNECTION.
"The evidence unequivocally shows that mega-gram doses of vitamin C can prevent and cure a vast list of conditions that plague mankind. It is both inexpensive and completely safe. My conclusion: vitamin C is the 'Primal Panacea.'" -- Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D.
“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” -- Dr. Frederick Klenner, M.D.
Best wishes to you, Nick, on a successful resolution of your scalp problem! If you have any [other] questions, comments, and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to post them [and/or contact me privately].