insomnia, anxiety, to much energy after 4 days 50mg iodoral. help!
hey guys i got my iodoral on friday and i took 50 mg and i slept the best i had in for ever. i have been taking 50 mg every day since in the morning and the insomnia just seems to be getting worse.
i have not slept for 2 days now and its Monday night here and i feel so wired i have a strong feeling i'm in for another night of wide eyed turbo no sleep.
i take all the co-supplements except the boron (which i think i probably get enough from the carrot juice i make).
i do not seem to have any detox symptoms i just feel so full of energy its insane its like i'v got a jet engine inside me that won't turn off. if i could sleep i could probably put this energy to good use but since no sleep i just feel wacky and i took 2 days off from my new part time job.
from what i'v been reading it seems like 50 mg is the right dose or am i wrong? can there be such a thing as to much iodine?
with people taking 300+ mg here a day i can't imagine that would be the problem.
or if i keep taking 50mg am i going to balance out eventually? should i take a lower dose and then try to climb back up to 50 or just stick to a lower dose for ever?
tomorrow i'm fairly certain i'm going to not take any but where to go from here? is this common?
i can't imagine i'm detoxing as i have not seen insomnia or being all jacked up as detox symptoms in anywhere i remember reading and those r the only bad things that r happening.