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Re: Lymph system and castor oil.
Dead Girl Views: 15,017
Published: 10 y
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Re: Lymph system and castor oil.

what do you mean by "big" and "small" dose ?
big as in "50 ml " ? or 2 tablespoons?
does it hurt in big doses?
if frozen or capsuled, Will it deworm efficiently ?

I'm an underweight candida sufferer and sure have parasites.
I'm planning to use it temporarily to stop fungus and parasite growth till I do a full research into that matter.

I been taking garlic for 2 weeks but the hard die off hit me so bad, I had to be ready for it with all the detox needed.

how do you think Is should have it?
1 teaspoon with lemon juice one morning & one frozen for parasites the next morning ?
I'm really pain-sensitive & don't wanna worsen my possible leaky gut ( I suffer autoimmunity after many food poisonings so I think a leaky worn out Intestines is the least I got )
the weird thing about it is that some say that when taken internally, castor oil heals the mucus lining (intestines & colon ) & the others say It will rip it out further more.
could it possibly cause internal bleeding ?

how should I use It for candida In the ears & throat?
I was thinking about dipping a cotton in some castor oil & maybe with other antifungal oils like oregano or coconut and hold it down my throat deep back inside for too long ( It's really sore ) and maybe I could pull it back with some thread it's rolled around or something ( ok, I don't know what I'm thinking. It's definitely crazy die off side effect- of course I could throw up that way )
I don't think gargling will do the trick back there.
also, does real castor oil smell somehow like peanuts? woody peanuts ? mine is new & I think that's why It has that aroma.. I like it though.

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