The pale floating stools and all the other dramatic die off are startling. Before I started cleansing and fighting I was 220 pounds at 6'2(weightlifter) and now im 175 pounds. People/friends don’t know what’s wrong with me they think im on drugs now because of weight loss. I have lost weight due to organs battling these parasites and candida ect.. I hope you get it under control too because it’s so bad for your health. I get stabbing,biting,sharp pains all over as well. Ive stopped the ivermectin periodically to recover a little bit; the worm symptoms have been slowly slowly revamping/buffering their next attack on my body since stopping the ivermectin. My next step will be to combine the albendazole/iver to eradicate them all. Maybe the die off will be less since I been actively cleansing.