I know. We all want that. And I agree you must try different drugs so you attack them via different pathways. The problem start with 'knocking down worms' because one must take them all out otherwise they just reproduce again and become resistant (numbers are not as important here since one which survive will avoid the immune response). If many ppl understood complex immunology with parasitology here they would cry. I mean nothing the human will make will come close to TH2 'anti-dote' and guess what? They mutate to avoid it. IMO only extreme measures might give you a shot here (when drugs fail). Such as radiation treatment but the risk is massive plus who will do it? They would lock you up LOL! But only when one truly understand their capabilities he understand it makes sense. What many ppl fail to understand with such infection? Your body see this as a war for it's own survival each day. It's already an extreme.