Yes. It is "normal" and it does, eventually, sort itself out.
I realize that this is an inconvenience for you, but I can assure you that it is no fun for us, under any circumstance. Yes, it is "normal" for vaginal walls to turn into sandpaper. Yes, it is "normal" to feel moody - the end of what causes a woman to "be" a woman is occuring and that is that she can no longer bring forth new life. The woman's sex drive is temporarily shattered and VERY painful. The woman's physiology is out of control - I literally dripped sweat enough to soak anything that I wore down the front and back. EVERYTHING is impacted by menopause, and it is not one bit pleasant for us.
The good news is that it's temporary - it's not going to be a decade before you enjoy sex, again. And, with the threat of unplanned pregnancy off the table, your wife will enjoy sex more than she ever has throughout her lifetime!