Small pellets are not indicative to constipation. Constipation comes from a decrease in sodium levels which correlates to a decrease in water volume. Dehyradtion. While grass fed organic meats are what is best, all meats are acidic. When meats are eaten, the GI flora has high concentrations of bacteria to help digest and assimilate meats. From my experience, your immune system is not working at full capacity when those bacteria are in high concentration in the GI tract. We need meat as many people are anemic, but IMO, your immune response suffers when we eat it. As for sticky stools, you eliminate what you eat. If your immune system is constantly killing pathogens, your body eliminates more mucous. Some people have always had sticky stools and don't know any different. I've done quite a few dieting experiments and have learned the difference between a good immune system and what I used to have. Eating is the key.