I try to keep the meals at 500 calories per. Many times with cereal, blueberries, banana, milk for breakfast I can go under that number. Lunch probably 550 or so. Dinner is the tough one when losing weight...you got to put that clamps down on calories for that meal because that is the one next to bedtime. Daily for an adult has got to be around 1800 or less or you'll probably have to exercise more than you like. Constant weight loss is achieved, my experience, when caloric intake is lowered vs extensive exercise. Don't know why, don't ask questions, just know it to be true. I can work out like a banshee and weight loss is nominal but when I lower the calories, weight loss is every day on that scale. I see it, feel it, pants are looser, it's real to me. Weight training just firms up and makes you look better, eating fewer calories is what it's all about for me. And many others who've gone down that "exercise is #1" path. It ain't. Calories...concentrate on that.