In my experience, all Sugar feeds them, including pineapple, papaya, all fruits (except avocados), etc. Then again I had a heavy infection. Fat is good. Olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil. Raw nuts and seeds, avocados, unseasoned unprocessed meats. Food grade D.E. can be taken with the meds. See what works for you and how you react. Just know that if you do decide to go and eliminate Sugar & starches for a period of time it will create withdrawals, which is perfectly normal.
Some people recommend yogurt for its probiotic benefits. I don't buy this at all. All dairy is pasteurized, dead, denatured, and void of any living bacteria or enzymes, plus it causes inflammation. The added 'live cultures' are not enough nor high quality for it to have a significant effect. I'd recommend you just supplement with a quality probiotic instead.