I have always wondered why the last sentence in the bible is "Aye! Come quickly Lord Jesus!" I guess maybe it was the devil who assigned another meaning to the word "come" and spelled it differently that threw me for a loop, but I kind of doubt something as sacred and natural as sexuality could be confused with bad unless, people are lost in sexual addiction from falling short of the glory of God, which would explain why floppy continues to quest. For when a species is presented with the opportunity for sexual enlightenment, which involves basking in the sacred tremor in a mutual simultaneous cllmax, fails to achieve this, it evolves into a hive. As much confusion as the last sentence of the bible placed in my 13 year old sexually molested psyche, I am sure there are others who might be convinced that floppy is bad and arriving as quickly as possible fully equipped, like Jesus, is good. Let us all pray that this doctor hasn't been granted moderation privileges to all of the fine forums on cure zone or this place is destined to fly over a cuckoo nest post haste. But what do I know?