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Re: Online Male Religious Predators from a watch dog
glaxony Views: 1,727
Published: 11 y
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Re: Online Male Religious Predators from a watch dog

It sounds like this guy is putting down elderly men with erectile dysfunction.

And just so happens that I am a certified sexologist and an expert regarding the topic of sexual predation, and men are not the only ones who are vulnerable to predation. There are women, too, who become obsessively attached to men they have never even met, and this is simply a fact of life. Many people, both male and female, are hungry ghosts looking for a host they can attach to, so they can drain out the life force energy of others. Are you suggesting our Webmaster should assume the responsibility of protecting adults, who make contact on this website, if one of them threatens to ruin the marriage and life of another, after becoming obsessed and fantasizing about having a relationship?

I'd say adults need to take responsibility for themselves, instead of depending on the Webmaster to protect them from things he has no control over.

Thank you for presenting another good reason why making people put up a credit card number and pay for membership is a great idea. It's easier to track down the nut cases who show up at someone's door intent upon destroying the persons marriage and having sex.

When you get a divorce, you don't just end it with one person. You leave half the people you know and love. God forbid anyone should dare to flirt online and God only knows what kind of obsessive compulsive behavior could be unleashed as a result. There are people so lonely and so longing to love and be loved in return, however and wherever they can get it, without any regard for the impact it could have on others, disaster is immanent domain.

It is absurd what is going on in the world. People getting molested online while surfing the internet without even meeting or getting to know the perpetrator in person first. WTF are people doing surfing, if they aren't big enough to take care of themselves better than that. I think Obama should make it a federal crime to own a computer if you can't pass an emotional IQ test.

To me all that guy was saying over and over was…"I can get an erection and the other guys cannot..." He is throwing a line at the women who are sick of meeting up with men who have erectile dysfunction. He is, after all, the only one who is equipped. Who next? What are all these self appointed wanna be cops doing watching everyone else. It is sicker than sick.


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