Does anyone have inner imbalance kind of symptoms with their AF?
About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with Meniere's with no known cause due to Tinnitus. I still have it to this day. The last two years, I now have developed vertigo, motion sickness, heart palps and racing heart, anxiety attacks, gas, bloating, esp. after eating (despite taking HCL and digestive enzymes), horrible digestion and so on. I can't even drive in a car most of the time now, due to the dizziness and motion sickness being so bad. I have a host of health issues, including AF. i have been under horrendous stress for far too many years now. For the AF I take a liquid licorce supp in the morning and Seiphos at night to calm them down. When I get these attacks, oddly enough, the only thing that takes the edge off is Tums. Primarily the Tums calms my heart down and the anxiety. The dizziness and vertigo can still be there.
Lately, my AF seems worse, or rather the inner ear imbalance symptoms are worse. My chiro thinks I have BPPV, which is an inner ear imbalance, but now I am wondering if this is all AF related. Just wondering if anyone else has the above symptoms or has also been diagnosed with an inneer ear imbalance, if so, what has helped it. This is making my life a living nightmare. Thanks.