Re: Science meets Spirituality
Without intending to be overly antagonistic, let me have a shot at picking this apart a bit...
"The new age gurus, spiritualists or visionaries talk about the power of thoughts and how it manifests into reality. But when the same theory/concept is affirmed by someone from a scientific background, it helps bridge the gap between science and the spirituality.
Personally I'm not impressed by mere "scientific background", whatever that means. Two "PhD's" talking to one another might feel more cozy than a PhD would feel with a non-PhD (they're typically somewhat arrogant, of course not all of them but mostly, at least in my limited experience. they think they are smart because the spent time and money getting educated, and many are "smart" (you have to be, to make it through the school, mostly in engineering, etc., I"m not talking about religious philosophy or history phd's)
Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, advocates the idea that we have significant control over our biology, and with our intentions and beliefs we can ‘reprogram’ or ‘control’ our genes and our lives. This challenges the traditional scientific belief that genes control life and people attribute their illnesses to genetic dysfunctions.
Probably true, but isn't that in our design ? To adapt to our surroundings ? I think this is coded in us.
For instance if cancer, heart failure or some other disease runs in the family, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a younger member of the family would also get those diseases, contradictory to the belief that diseases are hereditary. The genes can be altered by changing our environment and perception of that environment.
My view is that in families, they typically eat the same food for dinner together, at least while the little ones are young, so the kiddies learn their dietary habits from mommy and daddy, and what's available in their geographical area. This includes the water supply. If mommy makes pork chops with mushrooms and the kiddies see her and daddy eating it, they will learn to like it also, or else go hungry and be social outcast within the family, because mommy or daddy will say "finish your supper, or no TV for you". So when water supply is fluoride, food is not all that good, then daughter ought be expected to get breast cancer , thyroid problem, etc. just like momma did. Diseases being hereditary is not all about "DNA", there's operant conditioning involved.
Bruce Lipton biologist you can control your genes
Bruce Lipton believes that humans can control their genes by changing their environment
“You can control your genes by influencing your beliefs and personal attitudes. How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behaviour but it controls how I create a world around me, your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your body which changes the cells in your body.”
If I live in Texas and move to Norway, then this implies my DNA will change. Maybe. Definitely my outlook would change just as when I moved from Michigan to Texas - new horizons lighten the heart, open the mind. New experiences, new people, different air, water, food. "Environment" is a big word, just like "scientific background", vague, indefinite. Also, if there is love in the new place this will change the hormones, compare that to going off to war with a rifle in hand, different food , water, air, no love probably. DNA change ? probably, its coded in for survival
Cells are like miniature people, since cells and humans have the same system like digestive, reproductive, immune and nervous systems. Each cell, like every human, has receptors built into its skin so it can become aware of the environment. If a person is in a stressful environment, every one of our cell is also experiencing that via the electromagnetic vibrations sent throughout our body. Similarly, if we are happy, our cells are happy and in harmony. “Cells experience the same life you experience and it can survive outside of your body by living and growing in a tissue culture dish,” Lipton adds.
Disagree, unless we also include water as being living. I saw Gary Nunn playing his guitar in Luckenbach, and took along with me all my cells. Yet, I controlled them so well, the only ones hootin and hollerin were the ones in my thorax, to the best of my knowledge. Maybe my smooth muscle tissue also was hootin and howlin, but I doubt it. Also, the squirrels looked pretty much the same as anywhere else around the area, so I doubt their DNA was changed much by it, perhaps they're not into country music, but they do hang out there alot. Same with the leaves on the trees.
Research reveals that 95% of the time humans use their subconscious mind which is the habit mind programmed from childhood till the age of 6, after which your life is controlled by those habits. While the conscious mind, which we associate with our personal identity, our thinking and reasoning mind, is used only 5% of the time.
Or not programmed. There's lots of 6 year olds like I was who had little to no programming. I programmed myself, or maybe spirits programmed me, or random programming like a marble in a maze, some make it out, some don't. Its more like statistical thermodynamics, ensembles maybe a better way to treat it. that's not to say some people aren't more prone to being programmed than others, this too is coded in, statistically. We're all different, people with "scientific backgrounds" try to fit things into boxes, it works pretty well with seashell collections but every now and then there's the oddball seashell that don't fit. Mammals are much more complex. Still, the scientific ones most likely are insecure because they have a need to put things in boxes, and when it don't work out they become insecure, having to admit defeat, the honest old "I don't know" The smarter you get, the less y ou know, but it doesn't take much to beat the average cretin, fortunately.
You might accept this message and might think that I will change or become positive and eliminate the negative thoughts, but in real that’s only your conscious mind talking, the subconscious wants to return to his old ways of repetitive patterns. We have to make a conscious effort to unlearn what we were programmed as children and not rely on habits and make a visible change in our lives.
I like my negative thoughts,,,, people talk about "frequency", and waves of frequency are just like old habits, they keep repeating themselves, first they swing positive, then negative, then repeat. Without the negative, the positive loses its meaning. While I'd like to be all peachy fuzzy cozy and claim to have no negative thoughts, I do and probably always will, they are part of my vibration. Trick maybe to have a long wavelength, so I don't swing negative in theory until after my body dies so nobody will call me a "negative person", lol, as if I really give a hoot what others think.... Actually , I do !! to some extent anyhow.:)
According to Lipton, there are three ways that are effective in changing old, limiting or sabotaging beliefs in the subconscious mind, Buddhist mindfulness, clinical hypnotherapy and a new healing modality called ‘energy psychology.’ This change will eventually lead to a healthier living in harmony with nature and ourselves."
Sounds limiting, maybe he needs a spiritual guide to show him a 4th or 5th way. Budda only showed up when... like 600 BC or something ? Had to be a foundation on which that was built. NOt sure I want to be in "harmony", or rather, just what exactly does that mean ?? When a Jaguar tackles a Wildebeest and eats its guts for lunch, are they both "in harmony" ?? Or is the Jaguar just being "negative" ? Harmony in nature means conflict, survival of the fittest, death, misery, illness, disease. A rotting banana is in perfect harmony. I do notice howeer that the grazers, deer (prey) seem very serene, like "harmony" is a cute word to describe them perhaps, but just make a sudden sound and learn their true nature..... they're afraid, very afraid of any little ....BOOO !!! sound :)) Living in constant fear.... if that's harmony, I don't want it !! Its the fear of the unknown, that puts everything in harmony with each other, except the little cells don't care as much as the organism as a whole even though they have feelers on their skins, the cells are all going to die and in the end it matters not what they might think, unless Lipton believes each cell has a soul but that didn't seem to be implied