Science meets Spirituality
I was totally blown away when V introduced me to a few videos of Haramein a couple of years back. 8 hours sounds a bit much perhaps, but I promise your jaw will drop a few inches.
A short introduction;
"According to Nassim Haramein, here’s what’s wrong with the physics taught in schools
- We are ignoring 96% of the mass of the Universe and 99.99999% of our atoms… which is space!
- We are inventing a new mass and call it “dark energy” just so that the equations work
- We are inventing a new force and call it “strong force” to explain that protons stay together. Physics as you go!
- We are ignoring the fact that Quantum Physics equations say that our atoms have an infinite amount of energy
- Our concept of dimensions is flawed
- We talk about the expansion of the Universe and ignore the fact that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction
- Modern science can’t explain spiritual experiences. Nassim Haramein is bridging the gap between spirituality and science."