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Re: Need some help on this one, please.
alisaun Views: 1,241
Published: 21 y
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Re: Need some help on this one, please.

HI Ads,

Wow, what timing! I was just on and saw your reply. Healing the child is very very tricky, at least it was for me. See, my child had built up so many defenses, one of them was to deflect my attention, so for a long time, I would deal with and try to heal all sorts of other problems without tackling that one. So watch out for the one-two fake. Ha ha.

So, persistence pays off. And again I emphasize extreme gentleness. It took for me sveral re-visitings of the subject, but a determination to finally heal. I had to set my intent.

I actually went to see a shaman who did a soul retrieval on me relating to this issue. I was in sort of a "try everything that works" frame of mind. Anyway, what happened with me is she said that pieces of my soul (and you can call it consciousness or repression or whatever) left my immediate
energy area to be protected from any hurt.

Anyway, she managed to get all the pieces back into one piece, but said that I would have to work on re-incorporating them into myself because they were resisting her too much. I finally was able to do that about a week later as I was getting some cranio-sacral and myofascial release work done.

I don't know how much sense I am making here. I guess I would also say don't underestimate the strength and cleverness of your child. He/she has done a good job of protecting you for many years. Make sure to thank him/her. Then make it safe. re-build that relationship. It is much like the modality for incorpiorating multiple personalities. Create a level of trust and acceptance and it will happen.





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