Re: Other anti-candida enema recipes?
Trying to find a cure to candida on a forum is nothing but an exercise in futility.
I've had candida for almost four years now, and for every person claiming that ACV cures it, there's someone else who refutes it and claims that baking soda works.
For every person claiming that ANYTHING works, there's someone else refuting that claim.
I've tried a LOT of things over the last 3.5 years, and NOTHING has worked.
I've spent THOUSANDS of dollars and seen several doctors. The result? Wasted money. NOTHING HAS WORKED.
Just drinking something to kill it would be great; a Godsend; but I just don't think it's going to be that easy.
You probably don't have it as bad as I do, but still; I know what kind of hell this causes; I wish you good luck in your search for a cure.