Re: P.S. For hypothyroid &or hypoadrenal folk.
I have a disclaimer here. I have found out that Dr. Mercola's liposomal C liposomes. They admitted this, after I heard that, by email but pretty mmuch said something like "Just add water."
I will never buy any of his products again.
In the meantime personally I have found that sodiuim ascorbate works just as well, for me, as Livon liposomal C and is far less expensive. (You can buy it bulk on Amazon.) I left a vid, today above, that tells a lot about ascorbate. Hope it is helpful.
And don't worry that sodium ascorbate will raise your blood pressure. The studies show it does not. That kind of sodium is chemically different from what we put on food. In fact, since high blood pressure is correlated to acidity, and since Vitamin C helps fight high blood pressure, sodiuim ascorbate can be helpful with hypertension just as it is with innumerable other things.
However, sodium ascorbate can make you too alkaline if you are "calibrating" at high levels of need for C, per Jaffe's protocol. In that case you can do as I did and combine ascorbic acid in with the sodium ascorbate at the right levels for you to get in the 7.2 range or alkalinity. Takes some experimenting.
I have found that if I am too acidic too, a quick fix is to have some organic lemon juice, like from Vitacost or wherever, in water. Perhaps apple cider vinegar would work as well. (I don't use regular vinegar, personally, even if it is raw & organic and has the "mother" and all that, because I think the yeast in it is not good for us, especially is there is any candida history.)
And btw acv (mixed with water of course) and lemon juice should be drunk with a straw near the back of the throat to protect the teeth from the acidity. I once had a dentist to tell me that studies show that vinegars will cling to the teeth more than any other acidic things. On the other hand I've seen research saying soft drinks are the most damaging things for the teeth.