Spooky2 has been released recently and it is by far the most advanced Rife device around and by far the cheapest. It is a crowdsourced device and free software.
The s/w is free at the spooky2 website
You can download the s/w and test drive it, if you wish and watch the updated operating video.
The original s/w has been updated with some amazing advances.
In addition for remote treatment, the team has developed a transmitter that is much more powerful than the old versions like the one that I use. I am using it with my RifeMedic 5 as a remote transmitter.
Additionally with the new frequency generator the higher range of available frequencies are more precise and a diagnostic device (Heart rate variability device) is available at cost for around 45. USD
There is a forum at the Spooky2 website and some parts of it are kept for members only for obvious reasons.