Dear Forumfolk,
I want to bring something to your attention and I strongly encourage everyone to act upon this:
It is a FREE RIFE REMOTE TREATMENT SOFTWARE program named "Spooky", developed solely as a service to Humanity by a New Zealander named John White.
There is a tutorial video of Spooky in operation at this link:
Spooky is a FREE Rife Remote Treatment Software program which uses a $58.USD Frequency Generator (That is a discounted price to those who mention John White by name).
You can- and I suggest you do- purchase the Spooky generator directly from Echo ( Her name is Echo, it is not Tess. Ask for the UDB1108S generator *for Spooky* so she can supply the correct version of generator. If you mention John White by name, you will receive a discount on the price of the frequency generator. John himself gains nothing by this, but it will tell Echo exactly which generator you need, and she will see that you get the right one with the right firmware inside.. I also suggest you go ahead and spring for the FEDEX shipping (5-7 days), unless you want to wait a month for delivery..
Here is a link to John White's NZ Cancer Clinic website which explains all about Spooky and its origins:
The free Spooky software is downloaded from the Cancer Clinic website link above.
Also at the same link above (under “files”) is the comprehensive Frequency Database of Rife programs which are already programmed into Spooky. The Hulda Clark frequencies, the Solfeggios, and many others are present as well. Unlimited Custom Frequencies and programs can also be added to this database by the user.
John's purpose is & was to make possible an effective *Remote Rifing* system as inexpensively as possible in every home. IMHO he has done an Earthshakingly beautiful job of it.
There is a 74-page thread ref Spooky at the following Rife Forum:
which will tell you much more, and where there are many experienced users of this program.
John expects to have a new system coming out ~Christmas this year (2013) which will include *SCANNING* capability as a further inexpensive option, and which will give the Rifer a starting place for Rifing. The new system will fully support all previous versions of Spooky, including the current hardware and software.
I have had Spooky operating for a week or so now, and I am amazed at its effectiveness. Took 10-15 minutes to have Spooky up and running from the time I got the package open, including making the inexpensive DNA holder.
I STRONGLY suggest everyone investigate Spooky. IMO we should all have it.
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :-)