Lugols Solution, Gout and Thank You
I have frequented this forum for months and have gleaned valuable information. Now I have joined the forum. I began to supplement with
Iodine 8 months ago. Timidly with kelp tablets, then on to liquid kelp and then nascent...all the while with this
Lugol's Solution in the back of my mind. Got some
Lugol's 2% a few months ago. Why did I wait ? Fear of iodine. I had 4 bouts with gout last year. Terrible, terrible pain. Crippling. I've been on such a great protocol with Lugol's, including the Sups, that gout has been the furthest topic from my mind...then, boom. 3 nights ago, an acute gout attack in my right ankle/foot. Worst attack yet. I had just gone up to 37.5 mg of Lugol's. I took 100mg over a 16 hour period during this gout attack and It took away the pain and reduced the inflammation. So much so that this morning I could almost hobble...Then after a few hours later this morning I was back in excruciating pain, upped Boron to 15mg, doubled Magnesium...Can anyone give me feedback on their experience with
Lugol's and gout. And also, does Lugol's create an alkaline or acidic condition in the body?