after diagnosis, then what
after spending almost $700.00 I have diagnosis, still waiting on saliva test to see degree of AF.
question is do I need to see a dr. to treat this? This guy is costing me an arm and a leg.
also I have some trust issues with him since he wants me to take a supplement that has St. John Wort in it and I am on not only an SSRI but also clonazepam which is anti seizure.
all I have been told is NEVER take St John while on these meds, even the caution on the bottle says not to, yet this Dr. said its fine. Well I am NOT taking it
because I am also in the process of slowly weaning off the clonazepam I am leary of stating any new supplements
I was taking 2gr Vit. C and he wants me to raise it to 6gr a day.
so bottom line is how many of you are treating this on your own, and how many of you continue to see Dr. for it?
I have read Dr. Wilsons book. should I read Dr. Lams now?