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Re: Lactoferrin Study & About Me
BrightSideOfLife Views: 4,300
Published: 11 y
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Re: Lactoferrin Study & About Me

The problem is that the human body needs magnesium for so many things, it is essential so cannot be stopped entirely. Calcium can for short periods.

Food will contain calcium/magnesium so the organisms constructing the biofilm can get what they need from many places, including any supplements. It's a question of breaking up the biofilm to hit them while they are less well defended before they can re-build the biofilm. Also breaking up the biofilm will release the building blocks which they can re-use. That is one reason to use EDTA to mop up the calcium/magnesium/iron etc when it becomes dispersed to prevent the organisms from re-using it to re-construct the biofilm.

I did read an article on conventional treatment of biofilms which said that pulsed low dose therapy gets the best results. This was referring to bacteria but the same principle is likely to apply to yeast/fungi. If you have not read the following then it's worth a look. It's quite large and it is 5 years old.

Also remember that any failure will strengthen the organisms inside the biofilm which is one reason to use plenty of quorum sensing inhibitors. I currently use Xylitol and I have just added vanilla planifolia powder (vanilla pod). I want to get some cellulase and other enzymes in bulk, free from any additions like there are in supplements to add to it to have a real go at finally breaking it up.

I am moving away from supplements because they are too expensive and contain far too much that benefits the problem.


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