Re: I have aggressive periodontal disease
Hi BB,
I am sorry to hear of your gum problem(s).
As "grist for your mill," you might like to try the following: Rinse your mouth as often as possible/practicable with sodium ascorbate. You can make your own by mixing one part of sodium bicarbonate with two parts of ascorbic acid.
Additionally, I would recommend you ingest a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid several times a day.
You might find these three quotes of interest:
"Administration of vitamin C to children with significant gum disease clearly improves the condition." -- Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, PRIMAL PANACEA, page 176.
"There are more than ten thousand scientific papers that make it quite clear that there is not one body process (such as what goes on inside cells or tissues) and not one disease or syndrome (from the common cold to leprosy) that is not influenced - directly or indirectly - by vitamin C." -- Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., Dr. Marshall Ringsdorf, D.M.D., and Dr. Emily Sisley, THE VITAMIN C CONNECTION.
“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” -- Dr. Frederick Klenner, M.D.
I wish you BEST success, BB, in your search for better health!