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A Rope Worm Cure
Deesmiles Views: 46,813
Published: 10 y

A Rope Worm Cure

Here is a collective of what has worked (in my case) in eradicating the Rope Worm and it's stages. Please disregard departmentalized previous posts that I have shared that do not have all information included.

This is only what worked in my case. *I am not qualified to diagnose or treat others.

To diagnose yourself and know if you have Ropes and it's stages, best to try the Gubarev enemas. Collective info found here with more info:
(click on the file to the left of the page)


About 5% of my personal catch are pictured in the above link as well.

If you are severely ill and have no place to turn (which some posters have expressed) after seeking qualified medical assistance or have symptoms of scattering that is unresponsive to other treatments so far, I would start (my opinion) with Scabdraggr's Fenbendazole protocol until you feel a sense of calm (included in the above link) then I would proceed to:

I first focused on the colon and lower intestines by utilizing the Gubarev Enema schedules and did the best I could at holding them. When I felt I reached my
physical limit I moved on to focusing on the upper intestines and organs that I felt were overtaken with Ropes.

Since we don't know what these Ropes and Stages are yet, I found this video that helped me find a place to connect some sort of strategy to "Living fungus,"

I feel the key is dismantling the main flourishing Ropes, these guys have most likely been in our system for decades and they need to be hit hard at the beginning since the large Ropes do not allow proper absorption of herbs or anything for that matter. Fenbenz (I feel) levels scattering and the playing field but is NOT the solve all. It seems these parasites have mastered the art of perhaps shutting off when they are familiar with a remedy/herb, therefore I feel strongly the element of surprise is key; meaning strong herbs (your body has not been introduced to over the years) alternating with the standards every 3 or 4 hours. I took 3 to 4 supplements/herbs at a time, then Fenbenz at 2am (Fenbenz for 4 days) which seems to bring added success (I would take lighter doses of herbs while taking Fenbenz). After this phase I feel herbs alone have the power to hit the lingering guys who no longer have their "head honchos" that provide an umbrella of protection.

Proceed with caution. I did not research the recommended dosage of these herbals etc. I just went into herbal warfare. Someone pointed out the option of taking probiotics as these herbs can possibly destroy gut flora; I think this is a good idea. I was eating tons of yogurt, fermented foods and dairy during this process. I feel since dairy represses Ropes (Gubarev) and it was one of the many food sensitivities I acquired (until I removed the first large Rope) it may help to some degree consuming dairy. This pumpkin cheesecake recipe seemed to help the herbal action, not sure what ingredients made the profound catch for a few days (recipe found here:

An IMPORTANT part of the process: I would rub topical DMSO (99.9% Pure DMSO 50/50 ratio w/organic Aloe Vera) on areas I felt a light aching sensation. I also would rub this around my gallbladder when herbs were not peak circulating (roughly 2 hours after a supplement) as to not cross contaminate (approx. once a week) this produced string stages that had some Ropes mixed in covered in a crystal like sludge, perhaps these are cholesterol crystals or the Ropes that perhaps dismantle our bile (gallbladder/liver) digestive process? At one time I felt a pain located around the lower right hand side of abdomen, I immediately put the DMSO topical on the area and felt something move out. Do some of these Ropes/stages take cover in hard to reach organs such as gallbladder/appendix/thyroid? Questions questions questions....

Here's the supplements I alternated with by instincts & mega dose:

*Neem Leaf
*Oil of Oregano ("Now" brand coated so they dissolve in intestinal track)
*Olive Leaf
*Licorice Root
*Caprylic Acid
*Pau d'Arco
*Grapeseed Extract
*Goldenseal Root
*Malic Acid
*Mushroom Complex
*Wormwood Complex
*Black Walnut Hulls
*Eucalyptus Leaves
*Eucalyptus oil
*Oregon Grape Root

*I mixed them up.
*I added zinc.
*I added 1-2 "Oil of Oregano" with a mega dose of one herb.
*I'd take 2 Caprylic Acid with one Cayenne on empty stomach, first thing in the morning (can be painful) and usually find specimens, think I did this before the latest trophy/Rope.
*I also used the Gerson coffee enema to relieve the Ropes toxic load and warm water enemas to help move Ropes and debris.

***Note* I was at the tail end of cleaning out an intestinal track that was filled in it's entirety. Playing it safe (low doses of these herbs) didn't seem to work.
Again PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Scabdraggr wisely "pace yourself" taking breaks in-between warfare or taking a longer less invasive approach. Gubarev suggested "Dead Water" (more info in collective link above) to remedy possible intestinal bleeding caused by Rope release. If you chose to try the info provided in this thread to work from: Listen to your body and use this collective information as framework to tailor your personal attack, add different herbs if you have some on-hand, If you feel the herbs you are alternating with are a bit too heavy for you lighten up for a dose or two. Take a few days off if you feel you need a bit of recovery time. I concluded either I would feel a bit overwhelmed by herbs or Ropes and made the choice.

I can finally say, I feel strongly that I have eliminated perhaps all or great majority of this crazy take over.

After this major Rope collection and my last post...I was still taking herbs and my body made it clear I needed to stop. I had a burning intestinal sensation and I just looked weak/sick. I then realized after cleansing out over 10 or more full sized Ropes their suc*** heads/ends (in a short amount of time) must of left some pretty damaged intestinal wounds. I took L-Glutamine and felt instant relief, then ate light soft foods with mostly liquids in my diet and continued to do so to so until intestinal health was restored, I would also take 1 anti-microbial/bacteria herb a day to ween off and fight possible infection.

For the first day of 2014...I shared with tears "I have been almost re-birthed, I really don't recall feeling like this perhaps since childhood." How many in the world today are suffering so needlessly...How long have we (all or some) had Ropes?

Healing Regards with strength to endure the healing process.

Yours Truly,
Dee Smiles

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