day 2
Day 1
4 total LBB
1/2 gallon almost orange juice
1 teaspoon of concentrate 108
SAME as I have noticed in the past, the body does not want the water, so after drinking fresh orange juice, the body gets rid of the water fast and comes out crystal clear and takes 100% of the minerals/color----WHY?
Based on the Breath air ian theory, the human cells get all the usable water they ever need from our air----we breathe it in our lungs and through our skin….
ONLY when eating trash food, does our blood get saturated with acidic trash waste and cause the dehydration and seeing of dark smelly urine------WHEN a person does not eat, their urine clears, their blood clears, their health returns, their lungs are FREE and life restores……
ANYONE can go years with ZERO WATER, "IF" they drink juices that are naturally mostly water….and rarely will anyone need more than 1/2 gallon total liquid daily ever----ONLY if it is hot and they are working allot in the hot dry sun.
IN NATURE where humans thrived, they get rained on almost daily, sand surely get all there water they ever needed through their skin.
WE DIE because we ABUSE our kidneys-----consider this:
The amount of work there average human forces upon their kidneys would easily be considered over 1,000 + YEARS of use……..
The booze drinker, smoker often can live 85-100 years old, enough proof to prove any good habit person should be capable of 1,000+ years------ONLY THOSE WORMS & POISONS get them first..
DEHYDRATION is the major concern of all who fast……once you understand hydration of your own cells, fasting becomes extremely simple with a little herbal use.
Hunger is just like BOOK I teaches: ulcers!
Once your ulcers vanish, your stomach repaired, you may start living well for the first time in your entire life.
ask your self why 'you" can't fast more than a day with out pain and suffering!
Back before BOOK I, my wife and I could not fast for more than 2 days max…..with BOOK I we both fasted past 40 days our first time….EDUCATION or ELIMINATION